Architecture Aesthetics

Architecture Aesthetics

The aesthetics of a building is one of the principal aspects considered in architecture. Changes in the appearance of materials can differ due to kinetics of the responses related to the material resistance as well as due to the intensity of the degrading factors.
The unique properties and natural beauty of wood and other bio-based materials make them desired for various applications including construction, facades and interior design. A building should be designed in order to satisfy requirements regarding safety, serviceability, durability, but also, aesthetics, assuring proper structural performance through the entire service life. For that reason, it is essential to understand the overall deterioration mechanisms within the different levels of a building including elements, components, façades and for the entire building. Changes in the appearance of materials can differ due to kinetics of the responses related to the material resistance as well as due to the intensity of the degrading factors.

Architectural planning should satisfy Owner's functional requirements and future requirements within given budget. Structural design sense will help in achieving economy in construction and may affect aesthetics view which an architect willing to provide. It is possible to provide minimum architectural treatment to the building ( making it as simple as possible ) considering functional as well as structural requirements with aim to reduce cost of architectural treatment

An important aspect that should not be neglected while designing buildings is the awareness of the current trends or fashions to use certain types of materials. In this case, motivation for façade replacements will not be dependent on their in-service performance but will be rather triggered by personal motivation to follow specific styles.